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The Goblin shark is not a common shark.It is a very rare shark . In fact not that much is known about this shark . It is very … unusal looking . It has teeth in front of its mouth ! The  teeth help the weird Goblin shark catch its food . It can also can push its jaws right out of its head ! The Goblin shark has a large flabby body . Here is one fact you might like . Its the color of pink bubble gum ! It’s a large slow moving shark . Its can also put its jaws in front of its eyes . It needs to push its jaws around becuase of its very slow moving nature . A Goblin shark has many teeth . It has 26 on teeth on the bottom jaw and 24 on the bottom thats alot of teeth ! It lives on the very bottom of the ocean,so even though it has lots of teeth its not very dangoures to us humans  . Info found at Facts 4

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