Looking back in 2013

Starting 5th grade was a big deal to me because I was afraid I was going to fail 4th grade. When I went to meet the teacher I was scared,and nervous. I thought that the teacher wasn’t going to like me. Right when I walked into the school on the first day my hands were already sweating. On the second day of school I was a lot less nervous. 4th grade was probably one of the best years of my life. When we got the STAR test and it said i passed i was really shocked. It took me forever to get my work turned in though. I wish i had gotten my work done faster in 4th grade.  This year was the first year that I got to celebrate my birthday on Thanksgiving ,and also the first year I got a suprise party. I was just taking a nap after diner and my mom woke me up and said they were going to sing happy birthday to me. 2013 was a really fun year I bet 2014 will be just as fun!

Henry Hudson

In 1610 England hired  Henry to find the northwest passage. Then Henry sailed off  to northern Canada on a ship named Discovery. He was sure he had found the Northwest Passage, but then discovered a 450-mile-long passage way. The passage way lead to a large bay (now called Hudson bay). Hudson kept searching for the shores to the bay. When Winter kicked in the bay froze. in June 1611 when the weather had warmed he set sail. The crew thought he was going home, but then realized he was not. They put him on a boat with no oars. Henry was never heard from again.I belive he starved to death.

Row your site

The Goblin shark is not a common shark.It is a very rare shark . In fact not that much is known about this shark . It is very … unusal looking . It has teeth in front of its mouth ! The  teeth help the weird Goblin shark catch its food . It can also can push its jaws right out of its head ! The Goblin shark has a large flabby body . Here is one fact you might like . Its the color of pink bubble gum ! It’s a large slow moving shark . Its can also put its jaws in front of its eyes . It needs to push its jaws around becuase of its very slow moving nature . A Goblin shark has many teeth . It has 26 on teeth on the bottom jaw and 24 on the bottom thats alot of teeth ! It lives on the very bottom of the ocean,so even though it has lots of teeth its not very dangoures to us humans  . Info found at Facts 4 me.com.

A turkeys thanksgiving

One day I was panicing, “oh no tommorrow is Thanksgiving, because I need to get my fork,” I said. Then the next morning I went to my mom’s house.  She wasn’t there,  so I went to my dad’s house he wasn’t there. Then I went to my gradma’s house she wasn’t there. Where are they? Suddenly I heard somthing it sounded like a gun. “AAAAAAhhh!” I screamed and ran as fast as my legs could run. I led myself to my friend’s house. He has to be here I said, but when I went inside it turned out to belong to some humans. Then a baby yelled “tukey!” It’s prononced “turkey,” I said and then he grabed a toy gun and shot me in the head with it.I said I surrender and fainted. When I woke up I was in my bed. “Phew! It was all a dream,” I said. Then I heard a voice  and I woke up. “Lucas it’s Thanksgiving,” said my mom. I guess a turkey can have a Thanksgiving after all.The end